1. What is ReddRecs?
  2. Why did you build this?
  3. Are you making money doing this?
  4. How do I search (like a boss)?
  5. What are some upcoming features?
  6. How can I help?

🧭 What is ReddRecs?

ReddRecs (Rad Recs from Reddit!) is a search tool for people to easily find the most relevant menswear recommendation threads on Reddit. The tool is a growing index of thousands of Reddit threads from over 80 subreddits with over tens of thousands of crowdsourced recommendations.

🛠️ Why did you build this?

A while ago, I was looking for everyday office wear jeans that would fit my massive thighs. In a world that’s increasingly filled with digital ads, influencers and sponsored content, finding reviews I could actually trust was a slog. I of course eventually landed on Reddit, bouncing around the various subs.

However, Reddit doesn’t have the best search functionality. There must have been dozens of posts and comments specifically about jeans for big thighs and it took me a good hour just to sieve through all the recs to find what I was looking for. The somewhat neurotic analyst in me ended up counting each rec and posting an aggregated list of the best jeans are for big thighs.

Screenshot 2022-04-01 at 11.17.06 AM.png

Post stats (Jan ‘22)

(got some love from big thigh dudes looking for jeans)

This experience got me thinking that it’ll be cool to have a better search feature so people could find the most relevant recommendation threads more easily. People were often asking similar questions over and over, that were understandably annoying to long-time Redditors who’ve had to put up with best T-shirt recs for the nth time. Personally, I’m also a tech geek who is really interested in search problems. This was a fun way to combine my professional skillsets to help people save some time.

💰 Are you making money doing this?

ReddRecs is built as a community service and is free. There are no affiliate links or sponsored posts. I wished I had this when I was looking for my good quality big thigh jeans, casual shoes or face cleanser. Feel free to share it with others or bookmark it for your own future use.

🔍 How do I search (like a boss)?

You can start with a category of menswear or grooming product or no category at all. Power users can also refine their search results with